Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Toronto residents fight fur-trim apparel trend, dog and cat fur use

Toronto residents fight fur-trim apparel trend, dog and cat fur use
1. Describe yourself in one word. Fun
2. If you had a time machine, would you travel to the future or to the past? The past, I would love to meet Frank Sinatra
3. What is your favorite city? Vancouver
4. Do you write more than one blog? Yes 2
5. What is your favorite time of day? Breakfast
6. If you could have lunch with a famous person, from past or present, who would it be? Jane Goodall
7. Coffee or tea? (Or neither?) Berry Tea
8. What is your favorite flower? The “heather” flower
9. What do you like best about blogging? Getting to know more animal organizations
10. What is your favorite season? Summer
11. What is your favorite movie? When Harry Met Sally!

Tuesday, 9 April 2013

Freedom is beautiful to those who understand true suffering. The Beagle Project has rescued many Beagles who are used for experimentation. This is a photo of one who is truly happy after being rescued by wonderful people.

This is the text that came with the photo:

These pictures say it all! The sense of wonderment at the vastness of the ocean, the calming sounds of rolling waves, and the comfort of the soft, sun-soaked sand. These two deserved it. So many others do as well.

Please SHARE this post. T...hese pictures represent our challenge to any lab across the US who thinks it better to “destroy” the beagles at the end of an experiment, instead of giving them this chance. Beagle Freedom Project exists to make this picture a reality for any dog, in any lab, in any condition. The lab need only call or email us – we’ll do the rest. (818) 330 -4040 and

Thanks to their Mom, Kimberly Dreher!
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